Cornelius Eanes's Programming Portal
This site will be the portal containing all of my high school computer science programs, and possibly a few other things.

My Programming Skills

My Computer Skills

My Java Assignments (click on the assignment number)

# Title Description Status
1 Installing the JDK Can't have a compiling language without a compiler.
2 Compiler Check Check to see if the JDK has been installed.
3 Compiling Practice Compile a sample program, checking if the JDK is working.
4 Your First Program All programmers need to start somewhere.
5 Your Second Program More printing to the console.
6 Comments and Slashes Figuring out what comments are and what they do.
7 Letter to Yourself Create an image using the console.
8 Your Initials Print your initials to the console.
9 Printing Choices Introducing the System.out.print() method.
10 Escape Sequences and More Comments Learn about escape sequences and another type of comment.
11 Numbers and Math Do some math with the printing methods.
12 Variables and Names Learn what variables are and how to name them.
13 Saving Information in Variables Learn what you can store in a variable.
14 More Variables and Printing How to name variables and how to use them in printing methods.
15 Using Variables Try creating and using some variables by yourself.
16 Still Using Variables Work more with using your own variables.
17 Mathematical Operations Using variables in mathematical operations.
18 Your Schedule Using variables, print your schedule to the console.
User Input
19 Asking Questions Find out how to get user input.
20 More Questions Experiment more with the Scanner.
21 Even Moar Questions Self-explanatory.
22 Name, Age, and Salary Request some specific information from the user.
23 More User Input Ask for some information, then print it all out.
24 Age in 5 Years Use arithmetic operations on that user input.
25 A Dumb Calculator Create a calculator that only does addition.
26 BMI Calculator Part 1 Create a program to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI).
Variables Pt. 2
27 Variables Only Hold Values Learn what variables actually store.
28 Variable Modification Shortcuts Gotta cut away at that file size.
29 Boolean Expressions Learn what booleans are and the operations that result in them.
30 Comparing Strings Strings aren't treated the same as regular numbers.
Variables Pt. 3
31 Compound Boolean Expressions Learn about the boolean algebra operators.
If Statements
32 Making Decisions with If Statements Learn what If Statements are what what they're used for.
33 What If More practice with If Statements.
34 How Old Are You? Determine some things with If Statements.
35 Else and If Learn about the Else-If statement.
36 Weekday Name Figure out what day of the week it is.
37 How Old Are You, Specifically? More determining now with Else-If.
38 Space Boxing Do some calculations with If Statements.
39 A Little Quiz Quiz and score the user.
40 Modulus Animation Create a little animation.
41 Using Swing for Input Learn how to use the JOptionDialog to get input.
42 Boring Window Learn how to create a basic window with Swing.
43 A Frame with a Panel with Some Writing Do some more interesting stuff with Swing.
If Statements Pt. 2
44 2 Questions 20 Questions, greatly simplified.
45 Choose Your Own Adventure A super small choose-your-own-adventure game.
46 Age Messages 3 Working with compound boolean expressions.
47 Two More Questions 20 Questions, greatly simplified, again.
48 BMI Categories Classify a BMI value into a category.
49 Gender Game Assess how to properly address someone.
50 compareTo() Challenge Using the compareTo(String) method.
51 Alphabetical Order A real-world example on how to use the compareTo(String) method.
52 The Worst Number Guessing Game Ever A super simple number-guessing game with a single correct answer.
Project 1
P1 Choose Your Own Slightly Longer Adventure A full-fledged choose-your-own-adventure game.
Random Numbers
53 Randomness An introduction to how randomness works.
54 Magic 8 Ball Shake a virtual magic 8 ball.
55 A Number-Guessing Game Another number guessing game with randomness.
56 Fortune Cookie Generate a random fortune and lucky numbers.
57 Dice Rolling two virtual dice.
58 One Shot Hi-Lo Another number guessing game with some more output.
59 Three Card Monte Guess where the object is hidden.
While Loops
60 Enter Your PIN A practical application of while loops.
61 Number Guessing Game Number-guessing with multiple tries.
62 Dice Doubles Keep on rolling.
63 Counting with While Loops Add some customization with while loops.
64 PIN Lockout A practical application of while loops.
65 Number-Guessing with a Counter Track how many times you guessed.
66 Hi-Lo with Limited Tries Add limits to your game.
67 Adding Values in a Loop Manipulate the same value multiple times.
68 Reverse Hi-Lo Make the computer guess the number.
Do-While Loops
69 do-while Swimming What's the difference between while and do-while?
70 Flip Again? Flip a coin over and over again.
71 Dice Doubles Keep rolling virtual dice until doubles appear.
72 Again with Number Guessing The most popular kind of guessing.
73 Baby Calculator The most advanced calculator yet.
While Loops Pt. 2
74 Safe Square Root //TODO Add imaginary number support
75 Right Triangle Checker Pythagorean's theorem to the rescue.
76 Collatz Sequence (Extra Credit) What do the numbers mean?!
77 Short Adventure 2: With a Loop Adventuring ft. Loops -Short ver.-
Project 2
P2 Nim May or may not involve Secret of Nim.
For Loops Pt. 1
78 Counting with a For Loop Introduction to the For Loop.
79 Ten Times Do something a specific number of times.
80 Counting Machine You can count stuff, too.
81 Counting Machine Revisited More advanced counting.
82 Counting by Halves More than i++.
83 Xs and Ys Printing some fancy data.
84 Noticing Even Numbers Remember that modulus operator thingy?
85 Fizz Buzz Fun fact: 90% of "experienced" programmers fail this test.
86 Letter at a Time You can get lots of data out of a string.
88 Adding Values with a For Loop Hashing 101
Random Pt. 2
89 Baby Blackjack Gambling with code!
Project 3
P3 Blackjack Gambling (the legal kind)
90 Picture Menu ACSII Art
91 Flicker Phase More flashing text
92 Heron's Formula Using a method to calculate
93 Distance Formula All beginning programmers have done this
94 Month Name Put in a number, get a month name out
95 Month Offset Confused what this actually does
96 Weekday Calculator Figure out what weekday you were born on
97 Area Calculator More number crunching
98 Function Call Alphabet The importance of what functions actually do
99 Fill-In Functions Call a code mechanic
100 More Fill-In Methods Another mechanic on the way
101 Keychains for Sale Ye Olde Shoppe (planning)
102 Keychains for Sale, for real this time Ye Olde Shoppe (in-business)
103 Keychains for Sale, real ultimate power I swear I didn't choose that title
104 Calling Methods from Other Files Don't put all your code in a single class
105 Evenness Methods Remember our friend, the modulus?
106 Finding Prime Numbers More number lists
Project 4
P4 Calculator A more advanced calculator (with fancy colors!)
For Loops Pt. 2
108 A Refresher What are these "for loops" again?
109 Refresher Challenge Oh yeah, "if statements", too.
110 Displaying Some Multiples Actually do something with for loops.
Nested Loops
111 Nesting Loops Multidimensional looping!
112 Odometer Loops Already getting complicated
113 Basic Nested Loops Coordinates! (yay)
114 Multiplication Table Remember your multiples, kids?
115 Number Puzzle I Magic numbers
116 Getting Individual Digits Numbers made of numbers
117 More Number Puzzles More magic numbers
118 Number Puzzles III: Armstrong Numbers TIL what an Armstrong number is
119 Number Puzzles IV: A New Hope woah
File I/O
120 Programs that Write to Files Writing 101
121 High Score YOUR WINNER!
122 Getting Data from a File Reading 101
123 Simple File Input Reading 201
124 Summing Three Numbers from a File Turn that useless file into useable data!
125 Summing Three Numbers from Any File NOW WITH FREEDOM (of choice)
126 Getting All Data from a File ALL THE DATAS!
127 Displaying a File From disk to RAM to our screen
128 Summing Several Numbers from Any File Adaptable!
129 Simple Web Input Connect to that mysterious thing called the Internet