Because I have experience with using the JDK in the past, this wasn't much of a problem for me to do. A quick tip for newcomers: all versions of the JDK come with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) with the same version number and architechture.
When you go to the site, you'll see 86x and 64x versions of the JDK for most platforms (Apple Macs don't have 86x systems anymore). 86x means 32-bit and 64x means 64-bit. Find out the differences between a 32-bit and 64-bit CPU. The assignment specifies that we download a 32-bit version because 64-bit systems can run 32-bit programs. So even if you have a 64-bit computer (which most computers are nowadays), you can create programs for both types of systems, increasing compatibility and reducing headaches.
Goal: Check to see if the JRE and JDK are installed properly.
Goal: Compile a pre-made program to test if the JDK is working properly.